Innobonos 2023
With the arrival of the year 2023, the launch of Innovation Bonus (Innobonos) is foreseen as part of the Operational Programme ERDF Canary Islands 2021-2027
Who will be eligible for Innobonos 2023 and which technology areas will it cover?
The Government of the Canary Islands is once again preparing for a new call for applications for aid in which companies, SMEs and the self-employed that carry out their activities in the seven Canary Islands will be able to benefit. As in the past, Canary Island entrepreneurs will be eligible for grants covering up to 70% of up to a maximum of 20,000 euros for projects to simplify their business processes and improve their technological environment. Other details that are expected to come out in the announcement include compatibility with other aid such as the Digital Kit and that new criteria such as gender equality will be taken into account. Although for the moment the eligible areas for this year have not been detailed, the following could be repeated:
🌟Consultancy, advice and knowledge transfer in the field of R&D&I.
🌟 Applications, Systems and Services for business management.
🌟Development of the company's online strategy
🌟Incorporation of innovative ICT technologies in the company.

Are you looking for support in managing aid? We are the trusted partner you need!
• Starting date:
Deadlines and starting date of the call are still pending.
• How to apply:
As in previous editions, the Innobonus programme will provide a telematic space for the self-employed, SMEs or entrepreneurs to submit their applications.
• Requirements:

Start now! We will let you know months in advance and we will contact you to get to know and advise you on your project.
With more than 10 years of experience in the digital sector in the Canary Islands, FreshCommerce has registered a high rate of success and approvals in previous Innobonos calls.
This grant is ideal to start your digital business or improve it without investing a lot of money. Develop your eCommerce & Marketplace with custom integrations, ERP and CRM.
Outsource your eCommerce & Digital Marketing team and get support in all areas:
- We manage the aid, preparing the necessary documentation and requirements to obtain the subsidy for the project.
- Budget adapted to Innobonos and breakdown of technical report.
- Follow-up of notifications and process.